Recently someone from my Tennessee past posted an anti-Obama status. Personally, I think political status updates outside of elections are tiresome (unless I agree with you, of course). Then someone responded to her telling of a bumper sticker they had seen saying "I'm a Christian, I own a gun, and I'm a Democrat." They went on to further imply that all three can't be true. I defriended her. (Not that all of my "friends" on Facebook are pro-Obama, but this comment from someone I barely know was just more aggravation than I needed that day.) It was either that or post these comments:
Really? Jesus was a Republican? I must have missed that part of the New Testament!
I'd say actually if I had to put Jesus in any political category, he'd be more of a liberal. Remember all that eating with whores and lepers? How about the mulitiplying the loaves and fish to feed the masses? I know the whole abortion thing doesn't jive with most people's view of Jesus, but I'd say the Republican Party's support of the death penalty probably balances that one out. I'll bet Jesus would actually say what is in someone's heart is more pertinent to their faith than which box they check off on a ballot.
Remember that little part of the Bible when Jesus was asked which commandments were the most important and he said "Love God above all others and love your neighbor as you love youself"? Ummmm, I don't think he gave any implication of an addendum of "unless you don't agree with their political views, or they are gay, or a different race than you, or they just smell like sinners to you."
If you're going to go about proclaiming to be a good Christian, you might want to review what that means.
I thought it was easier to defriend her.
(Now in defense of my friend in the previous post, I have to say, her mother was what I would consider to be a true Christian, and chances are, she is too.)
My favorite line regarding all of this comes from "30 Rock". Kenneth the Christian page says he doesn't believe in voting so he always just writes in "Our Lord Jesus Christ" on the ballot. Jack (Alec Baldwin) says "that's Republican. We count those."
I love that picture. Espcially when you think about what the real Jesus probably looked like, being a Jewish rabbi from the mideast. Oy vay.
Hey there - you have written something that I have mused on often. I'm a hard-core, unapologetic, atheist. I'm not in anyone's face about it, but if they get in mine I'll match whatever they bring and make sure they wish they'd left it home under the couch.
I wrote a similar screed on an ostensibly political blog, but I think you'll appreciate it.
(and ask Mrs. Smith who I am if she hasn't already told you).
Nice to know you're out there.
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