Tomorrow is C's and my anniversary. Eleven years. We have an anniversary book we sign to each other instead of cards that we can lose. We've been doing that for probably 5 years. It started out with entries like "I never thought I could feel this complete" and other lovely lines which I have since ripped off and turned into actual greeting cards. Then we started forgetting to bring it with us on our anniversary events, so sometimes the date would be a month later, then two months later, then 8 months. One year, I caught up and wrote for the previous year, but C refused to, no matter how I dogged him like a kid with a yearbook. Last year, with all the other flutters, neither of us bothered.
I remember my sister telling me that she and her husband no longer bought cards, that they would just go into a store and hand each other a card to read. I thought "how horrible!" and was later part of the inspiration for the anniversary journal. But now I understand. How many times can you write the same good things over and over, but avoiding the bad? True sincere anniversary cards would be too depressing for this stage in life, they'd say things like,
Pg. 1. Don't worry.
Pg. 3. I don't hate you every day.
Pg. 1. I just wanted to thank you.
Pg. 3. For not divorcing me yet.
Pg. 1. Turns out
Pg. 3. I didn't love you too much
But, there could be some nice ones too! Like,
Pg. 1. I can't believe my luck
Pg. 3. That you're not bald yet!
Pg. 1. You're hard to love
Pg. 3. But easy to f**k
OMG, you almost made me spit milk!!! I have MUCH to comment on with this post of yours, but alas no time at present. I like "to the water and the wild"...will work well if/when I ever get you two to the SC coast with me...Love!
Time turns the old days to derision,
Our loves into corpses or wives;
And marriage and death and division
Make barren our lives.
-Algernon "Chucky" Swinburne
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